Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Judge Nerdd: Spinning Off Star Wars

Who puts the "star" in Star Wars?

On CNBC, Disney Chairman Bog Iger confirmed what the interwebs has been buzzing about for some time: 

In addition to Episodes 7,8,& 9 (which will start in 2015), Disney will be drafting entirely new stand-alone films based on "great Star Wars characters that are not part of the overall saga." 

So the question is immediately asked: which characters?

Ain't It Cool News first reported that Yoda could be among the characters to get his own story.

It's time for Judge Nerdd to weigh in. 


Look, as much as Lucas tried to make Yoda the ultimate badass in Episode II: Attack of the Shitstorm, I'm not watching him butcher through sentence structure for an entire movie.

Boba Fett

Now we're talking! How better to take the Star Wars saga to a "dark and gritty" place than with the bounty hunter with all the hype in the world and about eight minutes of total screen time! (Maybe now we'd be able to justify our rampant love of the Fettster.)

Han Solo

This one makes the most amount of sense. Cast a dashing young gent as Captain Solo (or maybe even before he got the Falcon and therefore isn't Captain) as he meets Chewbacca, Lando, Jabba the Hutt, and all sorts of colorful characters for the first time. Han obviously had countless crazy adventures as a "smuggler with a hear of gold" way before Luke and Obi-Wan stumbled into his cantina.

But what are we missing here?

How about any hint of a female presence.

What about some Mara Jade action? She could bridge a bit of the gap between flicks, depending on how long of a time frame we're talking about. She is wicked cool to boot.

For a movie universe light on strong female characters, these spin-off rumors are even more barren. Here's hoping that the actual trilogy comes to the sexism rescue. Otherwise, WTF Disney?

Judge Nerdd has spoken. I AM DA LAW!

1 comment:

  1. Solo makes a lot of sense, Joe. Especially since they'll likely need to integrate a new face for the role in episodes 7-9. The same goes for some of the other main cast (assuming they will be in the next trilogy). That also means Mara Jade will be a great candidate for a film (or at least a part in one)
