Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aural Sensitivity Training: August 29, 2011

After a brief time off, I'm back this week for more audio recommendations. I'm also in the midst of planning out some exciting and fresh blogs for The Random Ramblings (with some guest writers as well), so keep checking back! For now, onto the picks!

Rihanna, "Shut Up and Drive"

Old? Sure. But still really good. Rihanna is so effing well-produced that I can't help but thump along. There's a great balance between her vocals and the heavy beats that pulse in the background of this single, making it worth the listen.

Natalia Kills, "Wonderland"

Once you get past the opening (which sounds like Gaga to a T), this dance-ready pop song really gets going with solid hooks. And the kicker? Right now it's free over on Amazon Music. So what are you waiting for?

Tim Urban, "American Fanfare"

Every time I hear this track, I feel like I'm sitting in on a recording session for a Hollywood movie score. And for some reason it's a film with Kevin Spacey. No idea why. Still, Urban's piano playing is dynamite.

The All-American Rejects, "The Wind Blows" (Skrillex Remix)

Having just picked up When The World Comes Down, I heard the original version of this song, which I have to say, kinda sucked. I much prefer the high-paced remix from the famous electro/house producer found on the Download to Donate album.

The Feeling, "Love it When You Call"

This tune is so much fun. If you're looking to get hooked on one new band, this song will be your gateway. Dan Gillespie Sells' lyrics and vocal quality is almost entirely matchless.

Be back next week for more training!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Aural Sensitivity Training: Lollapalooza Edition

So it might be a week behind, but I wanted to let you in on some of the best acts I saw in my day and 1/2 or so at Lolla. It was a bit of a last-minute trip, so I didn't get to see as many bands as I might have liked, but it was worth it nonetheless.

Oh I'm sorry, did you actually want to see the band?
My Morning Jacket

One of my favorite concerts of the weekend, MMJ was on top of their game. If you've never seen them live before, it's an experience. Their pure, classic rock and roll makes for one helluva show.

Damian Marley and Nas

So effing good. A mix of reggae and rap, this show was off the charts. This duo got the crowd jumping and never let up. Coming from someone who isn't a major fan of either genre, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

Foo Fighters

I didn't get a chance to catch their entire two-hour set (needed a shower after all the rain and tons o' mud), but the Foo brought their best to Chicago.

Mmm... dancers.
Beats Antique

This group out of California has one of the best stage shows I've seen. David Satori and Tommy Cappel take turns at a variety of intrsuments (percussion, violin,) while another duo supported with a saxophone and clarinet in a fusion of European rock and gypsy/Middle Eastern music. Add in the sexy and talented Zoe Jakes as the frontwoman for their own group of dancers and you've got an entirely original show. Check them out.

Cage The Elephant

A wicked downpour could not drench the spirits of the rowdy fans for this equally rowdy Kentucky band. When "Ain't Not Rest For the Wicked" started, there was a raucous reaction. While they're not the greatest or most original hard rockers, they certainly entertaining.

What were your favorite acts at Lolla? Start the discussion below!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Judge Nerdd's Tips for Comic-Con

Alright Chicago Nerds, your annual Mecca has returned to Rosemont. If you've been there before, you might think you know how to best maneuver the chaos, but you could probably use a refresher. If you've never had your Wizard World cherry popped, then follow these rules closely. (They've been provided by three experts: Me, my brother and my sister.) You're welcome.

Ask to see something expensive/breakable out of its box first.

Because nothing's shittier than spending $100 on a sexy Poison Ivy statue only to discover that her hand is broken off. Look at it before you buy it.

Anyone in costume will gladly take one with you.

But do you really need a picture with overweight Superman? Also, avoid walking in front of someone else's photo.

Check the schedule.

If you want to get a comic signed, need to see a panel, or want to know when Patrick Stewart is signing, be sure to plan your day ahead of time and look at the handy schedule of events. Lines form early for most events, especially the ones you want to attend,

Gauge your price points ahead of time.

If you can get it on Amazon for $40, don't pay more than $50 for it at the convention. Know your breaking points on any collectible you're looking for and save yourself money in the long run.

Go in the vintage porn booth if you want.

Seriously. Loitering outside of it isn't fooling anyone. Just go in and browse like a man.

Pay for parking on your way in.

Trust me. They'll be a hella-line on your way out.

Try not to buy anything on your first pass-through.

Because you might see that Wonder Woman bust for $60 at one booth, but you'll likely see it for $45 three booths down after you impulsively buy it. Take a photo or write a note to remember where/what you wanted and head back there if you don't see it for cheaper.

Autographs cost money.

Why else do you think all these "celebrities" show up? Old retired wrestlers don't just show up to shake hands with their 40-year old fans. They get straight-cash homie.

Don't stop in the middle of an aisle.

I don't care if you HAVE to get a picture of silver-haired minx in the Black Cat costume. Other people are going to held up because you just nerd-gasmed.

Hot chicks that talk to you are trying to give/sell you something.

If they're in costume, it's a 50/50 proposition. But if they're in a cute nerdy t-shirt and jeans with a stack of something in their palm? They're going to smile and hand it to you.

Pack a lunch.

Why waste valuable money on overpriced convention center grub? Three days of 5 dollar hots dogs and 3 dollar sodas is a lot of dough. Spend that money on what you came for. Nerd shit.

Wear comfortable shoes.

This one is pretty obvious.

You're not selling your comic collection here.

Most dealers are looking to unload, not bring home a new inventory. That entire run of Grant Morrison's JLA should stay at home. Besides, that's too much heavy lifting.

Don't make your girlfriend/boyfriend come unless she legitimately wants to go.

Otherwise they're just going to be annoying and slow you down.

Backpack it.

If you are planning on getting more than a few comic books, a tiny messenger bag just won't cut it. Bring a backpack and maybe pack an earth-friendly tote bag. Otherwise you'll be making frequent drop-offs at the car.

Brace for nasal impact.

'Cause some nerds smell.

Wear deodorant.

'Cause you prolly smell.

Bring cash.

Some booths do take credit cards, but a healthy stack of green is advised.

Any other tips? Share them below!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Judge Nerdd: Warner Bros releases Superman & Catwoman images!

It's been a fun couple of days of reveals from Warner Bros. Pictures. Earlier in the week, the first glimpse of Henry Cavill as Zack Snyder's Superman was released. Now, Warner Brothers has put forth the first image we have of Anne Hathway in The Dark Knight Rises. I'm all tingly.

Time for some Nerdd-flavored judgement!

Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

First off: Two words. Bad. Ass. 

Secondly, it doesn't look too different from the Superman Returns get-up, except for some darker tones and a crazy long cape. Great look so far.

And now for the hot part...
Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

Delicious. She's definitely going to be taking a page out of the current Catwoman's book with a more functional, tech-savvy ensemble. And they gave her goggles. Sweet.

That being said, isn't there going to be something that makes her... ya know, stand out as a cat in some way? Or will she simply be "Selina Kyle: Super Burglar?" That remains to be seen, but one thing I know for sure: I have a hard time looking away from Anne Hathaway normally, but in this outfit? Fuhgeddaboudit. Anyone else in this movie will be lucky to get my attention.

Nerdd Judgement over. I AM THE LAW!

Thoughts? Comments? Hathaway oogling? Leave 'em below!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Aural Sensitivity Training: August 1, 2011

Back for more schooling are you?Yeah... you know you like it.

The B.S Report, 7/27 with CM Punk

I have all the respect in the world for Bill Simmons, who not only crafts a hilarious and intelligent sports column, but hosts a hugely successful podcast. Simmons is a long-time wrestling fan, so when I heard he brought in WWE Champion (one of two) CM Punk in for an episode, I knew I had to listen. CM Punk has an extremely unique personality and brings an unadulterated view of the business. Any WWE fan should download this podcast.

The Guild, "Game On"

After the hot-sauce that was their first music video "Date My Avatar," popular web-series The Guild couldn't resist coming back for more. This Bollywood-inspired tribute to gamers cannot be missed. Also, enjoy looking at Felicia Day.

Metric, Fantasies

These Canadian electro-poppers need to be on your iPod, STAT. Emily Haines' vocals are brilliantly entrancing on this 2009 release. Songs you need to listen to: "Help, I'm Alive," "Gold Guns Girls" and "Gimme Sympathy."

Collective Soul, "Heavy"

One of my favorite songs ever. An oldie but a goody, this track kicks off with some side-switching guitars and never lets up on the rock. It's awesome to see these guys are still kicking and producing music.

Sophe Lux, Waking the Mystics

So imagine Queen... fronted by Kate Bush. Now name them Sophe Lux. This is that band. Do I really need to go any further? Best tracks: "Lovely Girl," "Little Soldiers Of Time," "Lou Salome."

It's late. Load up your iPod and get to bed.